How to use cash flow planning now to make good strategic decisions that will impact your future Here’s a true story, a real-world example, from the last recession: When the big recession hit in 2008, companies with business plans and good business planning...

Can you use financing to compensate for Supply Chain disruption?
The short answer is yes. Using trade payables financing allows you to manage your cash flow and liquidity during times of supply chain disruption. The formula is simple. The payables finance company pays your vendors within their stated terms. You choose when you want...
The Business Bankers Guide to Alternative Financing
The Business Banker’s Guide to Alternative Financing Introduction: What is alternative financing? Offering quality financing products that will attract reputable clients is key to your success as a business banker, especially during the economic turmoil brought...

Why Asset Based Loans?
Explanation of Asset Based Loans and their use.

Private vs. Conventional Equipment Financing
Which is right for You? Equipment financing represents a major segment of several industries: Construction, Transportation, Utility, and even IT. If you operate a business in one of these sectors it is likely that you will opt to finance equipment at some point...

Stop waiting for Your PPP loan!
So your PPP round 2 application is stuck or moving agonizingly slow through the system? This automated application process has been funding PPP round two loans in 2 weeks or less! Get your money quickly here: PPP loans Fast!

FinTech or Human?
The most significant disruptor, or innovation - depending on your perspective , in the last decade or more in small business lending is FinTech (Financial Technology). It has led to some of the most drastic changes ever seen in the small business borrowing process....

Did You Kill Your Credit?
Everyone is aware that not paying your bills on time damages your credit rating and makes borrowing more difficult. Few people are aware that certain credit misbehavior damages your credit at an accelerated rate, eventually leading to the inability to borrow any...

5 Tips for Acquiring Business Loans
When you need to borrow money for your business, where do you start? One of the keys to a successful search and completion of a business loan is preparation. Here are 5 things you must do to ensure success: Specifically define your objective. Do you need money for new...

Borrowing in Today’s Market
Yes, it has already been said thousands of times: in the year 2020 we are in an unprecedented time from a market, social, and political perspective. But what does that mean for me as a borrower seeking a loan?